Patient History

A 35-year-old female presents with the recent onset of a rash that encompasses her torso, upper arms, and upper legs to mid-thigh. She reports she woke up with the rash and she has never experienced anything like it in the past. She is visibly shaken up by its sudden appearance and the extent of its presence. The rash does not itch. No history of bug bites, food allergies, recent travel, or infection. Further questioning determines that she recalls a small, red lesion on her right side at the level of her diaphragm 2 to 3 days before the widespread rash appeared. It did not itch and was not painful. Medical history is negative and she does not take any medications. Physical examination reveals a wide-spread rash of oval, light reddish/pink plaques extending from the torso out to her arms and legs. No evidence of scratch marks.
